Ahoy there,
For the past couple of weeks I've been working with David Blandy and Dr Adam Rutherford (with the Wellcome Trust and Lighthouse) on their new new project 'Helix'. At this early stage it looks as though the finished artwork will be an online comic/illustrated publication that tells the story of DNA through the eyes of one of David fantastical characters.
The development meetings for the project have been fascinating. Some of the topics under discussion have included; spider goats, glow in the dark cats, chimeras and synthetic biology. Over the course of the coming month or so David will be making sense of all these things and I'll be providing the drawings. I'll keep posting as the project develops.
Tonight (26th Feb.) Together with David and Manga artist Inko I'll be taking part in a round table discussion about art, science and science fiction at Lighthouse, oh do say you'll come.
Here's a page from my sketchbook that I doddled during one of the meetings:
For the past couple of weeks I've been working with David Blandy and Dr Adam Rutherford (with the Wellcome Trust and Lighthouse) on their new new project 'Helix'. At this early stage it looks as though the finished artwork will be an online comic/illustrated publication that tells the story of DNA through the eyes of one of David fantastical characters.
The development meetings for the project have been fascinating. Some of the topics under discussion have included; spider goats, glow in the dark cats, chimeras and synthetic biology. Over the course of the coming month or so David will be making sense of all these things and I'll be providing the drawings. I'll keep posting as the project develops.
Tonight (26th Feb.) Together with David and Manga artist Inko I'll be taking part in a round table discussion about art, science and science fiction at Lighthouse, oh do say you'll come.
Here's a page from my sketchbook that I doddled during one of the meetings: