Those Dead Dead Eyes

Helloee there,

This is a little illustration I did for the up coming issue of Electric Sheep magazine.
This is the one they went with for publication but I also made a more colourful one (below) that I rather like, I know its sort of ugly, but I like it anyway.

The strip below is a review of Jose Marins' work that I made for Electric Sheep earlier in the year. The magazine has been and gone from the stands for some time so I thought I'd publish my humble contribution here for those of you who are interested.

Wo Wo Wohaa!

Oh yes my friends the rumours are in indeed true: issue one of the much awaited Solipsistic Pop is available to purchase now! I have a strip of my own in the hallowed book entitled 'Spring '09', and my work is also featured in collaboration with Richard Cowdry on our gag strip 'Somersault'.

Here's the link

There is an exhibition of work by some of the artists involved at the Orbital Comics Gallery in London and I heartly recommend you check out.

The book was launched on Sunday the 8th at the ICA Comiket, it was a great day with much fun had.

One week later to the day my baby was born, and she is indeed a little girl (relevant for those of you who have already read the strip). I'm feeling very tried now, but also quite loved up, so I'm going to go and do the washing up.