Originalno, Nepredvidivo... i sve bolje

Hello there,

I've made it into the Croatian Arts press. The magazine Zarez saw it fit to review Komikaze 8 and I got a mention. I'm not entirely sure what they thought of my work, as I don't read Croatian, but here's a Google translation of the end paragraph of the piece, my name in Croatian is Daniela Lockea, I like it:

"I pointed out comics Chiu Kwong Man, Daniel Locke, Davao Guedina and Craomana that disarms readers almost childlike charm and a bit morbid humor, obviously in the drawings even more than in writing. The starting point of all these comics have been moved, unexpected interpretations of banal everyday topics and situations that the original likovnoscu and consistent implementation of the author's worldview receive symbolic dimension. How is that from the very beginning one of the essential characteristics of those original comics Komikaze group members, it is not surprising that all these authors, it was domestic side, together with no problem and interact harmoniously complement

The piece is titled 'Originalno, Nepredvidivo... i sve bolje', that apparently means something like, 'Originally, unpredictable ... and better', and I think thats a fairly good assessment of the the book myself.

Here's a link to the magazines site:

And here's one to the anthology:

Hope you are all keeping warm, take care now.

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